Fears and anxiety disorders

Specialized treatment of anxiety disorders with hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin

Frequently asked question

What are anxieties?

Anxiety is a natural, strong, and primal human emotion, an emotional response to something that seems dangerous to us. Anxiety alerts us in case of danger or imminent harm, regardless of whether the danger is physical or psychological.

What is an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorders make it difficult to cope with life. Symptoms of anxiety reactions include nervousness, panic, and fear, as well as sweating and a rapid heartbeat.

How common are anxiety disorders?

Throughout life, many people deal with anxiety disorders, but few talk about it.

When does anxiety become a problem?

Anxieties become problematic when they are unexpectedly severe or last longer than expected after a stressful situation has ended, when they lead to very severe personal impairment, or when they result in someone’s inability to cope with everyday challenges.

Treatment of anxiety disorders with hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™


Fears are part of life. But they can get out of control and become pathological. Excessive anxiety limits a person’s quality of life and often also that of their relatives. How does it develop, what forms of anxiety or anxiety disorders exist, and what helps?

With hypnotherapy, anxiety reactions, phobias, and panic attacks can be alleviated and often permanently resolved. Learn how psychotherapy with hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ helps with fears and anxiety disorders.

Fears and anxiety disorders


Let life happen to you.
Believe me: life is in the right, always.

Rainer Maria Rilke




Not all fear is bad


Apart from the moments when we voluntarily put ourselves in situations that send a shiver down our spine, fears are probably less welcome guests. But there are different forms of fear. Not all fear is bad. Fear is primarily a necessary and normal effect. Anxiety is a feeling of alarm and fear, a reaction to anticipated danger. Fear, for example, can be seen as a realistic appropriate warning signal of real danger. This protects us from risk, whereas anxiety disorders such as phobias and panic disorders significantly limit personal options. Just as a little stage fright awakens the senses, it does harm in its exaggerated form as speech anxiety or performance anxiety.




Automatic programs


The cause of fear doesn’t matter to our brains. When it senses danger, it starts the automatic programs we acquired in ancient times. Our physical reactions to fear have remained the same as those of people in the Stone Age. The heart beats faster and faster, the blood pressure rises so that more oxygen is pumped into the muscles, the airways dilate, the pupils become larger, and we sweat, tremble, and even feel dizzy and nauseous.




The good intentions behind the fear


Fear reactions are supposed to help us either defend ourselves better or escape more successfully. However, many things and situations we fear today are either not associated with a relevant danger, the fear reaction is inappropriate, or the fear does not contribute to the solution and becomes the actual problem itself. Frequent or even constant anxiety limits life and has a negative impact on the immune system. People affected by anxiety know what it means when it is said that anxiety eats the soul.

Differences between anxiety and anxiety disorders



When does anxiety become an anxiety disorder? An anxiety disorder is characterized primarily by:

  • Exaggerated states of anxiety
    Anxiety without a real threat, in which the external, at least recognizable conditions in partnership, family, neighborhood, or profession do not provide a sufficient explanation for this emotional strain
  • Extraordinary manifestation
    Anxiety states have a longer duration and occur more frequently.
  • Uncontrollability
    Inability to resolve or even alleviate the anxiety states through one’s own coping strategies.
  • Recognizable more or less characteristic pattern of complaints (symptomatology of anxiety) or sudden occurrence (for example, panic states) with mainly physical symptoms.



In advanced stages, anxiety disorders include:


  • Extensive fear of expectation.
    Fear of anxiety becomes increasingly debilitating or even paralyzing.
  • Avoidance and withdrawal behavior
    Increasing attempts to avoid situations or places associated with anxiety. While avoidance of unpleasant sensations is basically normal, it is exaggerated in anxiety disorders. If it is something every day, affected persons tend to withdraw completely from everyday life under contrived or at least objectively untenable pretexts. As a result of the avoidance behavior, interpersonal contacts are increasingly lost. This has drastic consequences for private and professional life and can even lead to isolation.
  • Attempts at self-treatment
    Attempts to reduce anxiety with stimulants such as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, medications such as tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and painkillers, and possibly narcotics such as hashish, cocaine, opiates, and designer drugs. Such attempts to find solutions carry a high risk of addiction. In addition, those affected then cope with everyday life only with such means, and the drive to actually solve the causes increasingly weakens.
  • Overcompensation
    Attempts to overcompensate in the interpersonal, professional, and even recreational spheres with regard to partners, family, circle of friends, neighborhood, and workplace.

Kinds of anxiety disorders


Anxiety disorders can be classified very generally into psychologically induced anxiety disorders, organic anxiety disorders, and substance-induced anxiety disorders. Organic anxiety disorders are triggered by a physical illness such as hyperthyroidism, while substance-induced anxiety disorders are triggered by the use of certain medications or drugs. Psychologically induced anxiety disorders can be categorized as phobias, panic disorders, and generalized anxiety disorders. These pages are exclusively about mental anxiety disorders.




Types of fears and anxiety disorders


There are several anxiety disorders. They tend to overlap considerably, and it is not uncommon for people to have features of several of the disorders.


1. Phobias


Phobias are pathological fears of a real or barely threatening situation, a specific object, or activity. The term phobia is not always very explicit. There are also phobias that are not necessarily pathological, such as the fear of swallowing (phagophobia). Typical for phobias is that they are predictable, i.e. they always occur in certain situations and are inappropriate.​

A phobia is an excessive and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. These fears cause such distress that some people go to extreme lengths to avoid what they fear. There are three types of phobias:



a. Agoraphobia


Agoraphobia was originally the fear of wide places. In the meantime, the term describes all situations in which there is already a fear of expectation before they occur and in which escape seems impossible or only possible to a limited extent. People affected fear to throw up there, to panic, to faint. Therefore, the fearful situations are avoided or suffered through only under great anxiety. Typical places or situations are crowds and shopping malls.

Agoraphobia often occurs together with panic attacks. It usually begins in the 2nd decade of life and affects mostly women.

More about agoraphobia and its treatment




b. Social phobia (also called social anxiety disorder)


A social phobia is the fear of triggering an embarrassing situation through awkward behavior.

Social phobia usually begins during puberty and is often accompanied by severe self-doubt and a tendency to abuse substances.

Different forms of social phobia are the fear of blushing (erythrophobia), gynecophobia (fear of the feminine), very exaggerated stage fright, speech anxiety or performance anxiety and fear of failure.

Common examples are public speaking, meeting people, or using public restrooms (Paruresis)


More about social phobia and its treatment




c. Specific phobia


Specific phobias describe a persistent fear of a certain object such as an animal (zoophobia) or a special situation, such as thunderstorms or visiting the dentist. In the case of specific phobia, anxiety symptoms already appear when thinking about the trigger.

Specific phobias often begin in childhood.


Examples of specific phobias:


More about specific phobias and their treatment

2. Panic Disorder


Panic disorders are characterized by repeated severe panic attacks, which are either associated with certain situations or triggers (panic disorder with agoraphobia) or appear unpredictably and suddenly (panic disorder without agoraphobia).

The core symptom of panic disorder is the panic attack, an overwhelming combination of physical and psychological distress. They are accompanied by a strong fear of dying or losing control and pronounced physical symptoms. Often those affected find themselves as an emergency with the suspicion of a physical ailment such as a heart attack in the ambulance again. Even repeated examinations without findings do not reduce the fear of a new attack. Physical changes are perceived as dangerous and rock upwards until the vegetative reactions increase to panic attacks. Therefore, many sufferers strive to protect their circulation. If physical exercise opportunities are avoided, the body will be even more sensitive in the future.


Typical fears experienced in panic disorder are:

  • The exaggerated fear of death
  • Exaggerated separation anxiety
  • Expectation anxiety
  • Fear of anxiety or the unknown occurs in both panic disorder and phobias.


More about the panic disorder and its treatment

3. Generalized Anxiety Disorder


It is typical for this anxiety disorder that different everyday situations are coupled with inner tension, anxiety, and anxiety. In addition, there are also physical complaints such as palpitations, sweats, and feelings of tightness as well as mental symptoms such as dreadfulness, restlessness, concentration and sleep problems. People with a generalized anxiety disorder can be irritable and often have problems concentrating and working effectively.

People with generalized anxiety disorder have ongoing, severe tension that interferes with daily functioning.  They worry constantly and feel helpless to control these worries. Often their worries focus on job responsibilities, family health, or minor matters such as chores, car repairs, or appointments.

For the diagnosis to be justified, the symptoms must persist for at least half a year.


More about the generalized anxiety disorder and its treatment

Causes of anxiety disorders


The causes of anxiety disorders are currently unknown, although research has provided several clues. Areas of the brain that control fear responses may have a role in some anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders can run in families, suggesting that a combination of genes and environmental stresses can produce the disorders. The role of brain chemistry is also being investigated.

There is no one cause for anxiety; many factors likely contribute to a person’s chances of developing anxiety. There are a few potential causes; genetics and early learning, brain biochemistry, and the fight or flight mechanism.

Many factors contribute to anxiety, and some may apply in each particular case.


List of the causes most often associated with the development of anxiety disorders:

  • Genes
  • Early Life Experience
  • Environmental and external factors
  • Thinking Patterns
  • Beliefs
  • Conflicts
  • Intoxication
  • Illness
  • Brain Chemistry


Anxiety problems stem from a combination of factors. When these factors add up, anxiety disorder might be more serious.

Perfectionism and anxiety


We live in a very competitive world, and it is important to have high personal and professional standards. However, when people reach for extreme perfection, they may not realize that they are setting themselves up to experience more frustration, anxiety, and disappointment than it is necessary. The goal of perfection is unrealistic. A much better goal is excellence!

Hypnotherapy is an excellent modality to help the perfectionist replace that goal with a more realistic goal, excellence, that is achievable daily. This leads to the experience of less anxiety, frustration, and disappointment.

This way they become generally happier and happier people who operate with peace of mind live longer, experience less stress and anxiety, and are more successful in their relationships and other endeavors.

Treatment of anxiety disorders


Unfortunately, many people with anxiety disorders don’t seek help. They don’t realize that they have an illness that has known causes and effective treatments. Other people fear their family, friends or coworkers might criticize them if they get help.

Although each anxiety disorder has its unique characteristics, most respond well to two types of treatment: psychotherapy and medications. These treatments can be given alone or in combination. Treatment can give significant relief from symptoms, but not always a complete cure.

Hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for many anxiety disorders. It aims to seek out the root cause of the anxiety and change an individual’s perception of a past event or release emotion from it.

ICD-10-CM Coding


Anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, somatoform and other nonpsychotic mental disorders.


F40 Phobic anxiety disorders

F40.0 Agoraphobia
F40.1 Social phobias
F40.2 Specific (isolated) phobias
F40.8 Other phobic anxiety disorders
F40.9 Phobic anxiety disorder, unspecified


F41 Other anxiety disorders

F41.0 Panic disorder (episodic paroxysmal anxiety)
F41.1 Generalized anxiety disorder
F41.2 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
F41.3 Other mixed anxiety disorders
F41.8 Other specified anxiety disorders
F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified


F42 Obsessive-compulsive disorder

F42.0 Predominantly obsessional thoughts or ruminations
F42.1 Predominantly compulsive acts (obsessional rituals)
F42.2 Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts
F42.8 Other obsessive-compulsive disorders
F42.9 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified


F43 Reaction to severe stress, and adjustment disorders

F43.0 Acute stress reaction
F43.1 Posttraumatic stress disorder
F43.2 Adjustment disorders
F43.8 Other reactions to severe stress
F43.9 Reaction to severe stress, unspecified


F44 Dissociative (conversion) disorders

F44.0 Dissociative amnesia
F44.1 Dissociative fugue
F44.2 Dissociative stupor
F44.3 Trance and possession disorders
F44.4 Dissociative motor disorders
F44.5 Dissociative convulsions
F44.6 Dissociative anesthesia and sensory loss
F44.7 Mixed dissociative (conversion) disorders
F44.8 Other dissociative (conversion) disorders
F44.9 Dissociative (conversion] disorder, unspecified
F45 Somatoform disorders (See our main page on Hysteria)


F45.0 Somatization disorder

F45.1 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
F45.2 Hypochondriacal disorder
F45.3 Somatoform autonomic dysfunction
F45.4 Persistent somatoform pain disorder
F45.8 Other somatoform disorders
F45.9 Somatoform disorder, unspecified


F48 Other neurotic disorders

F48.0 Neurasthenia
F48.1 Depersonalization-derealization syndrome
F48.8 Other specified neurotic disorders
F48.9 Neurotic disorder, unspecified

Why you should see a medical doctor


If you experience anxiety with absolutely no apparent cause, please ask a medical doctor. Anxiety can have several physical causes, such as side effects from a prescription medication or over-the-counter medications and supplements, excessive caffeine, and physical problems.

Don’t try to diagnose yourself.

Self-Medication: Cheers!


Many people who experience chronic feelings of anxiety about social situations, work, and relationships, or other aspects of everyday life often reach for a beer or a glass of wine to quell their unease.




Good intent and not the best results


There is some truth to the belief that alcohol can reduce stress. Alcohol is both a sedative and a depressant that affects the central nervous system.

At first, drinking can reduce fears and take your mind off your troubles. It can even help you feel less shy. You might experience a boost in mood, but the overall result is relaxation. The effects of alcohol can be similar to those of anti-anxiety medications. The problem is that once you start drinking, you can build a tolerance to the distressing effects of alcohol. This can make anxiety and stress even more difficult to cope with.

Alcohol may help anxious people cope in the short term, but over time this strategy can backfire. Self-medicating with alcohol or drugs can increase the risk of alcoholism and other substance-abuse problems, without addressing the underlying anxiety.

Self-medication for anxiety symptoms is common. Many people probably believe that this kind of self-medication works. What they do not realize is that this quick-fix method makes things worse in the long term. Serious consequences can develop very quickly. People can develop alcoholism and anxiety disorders within time, and these are illnesses that can have a devastating impact on a person’s health, their relationships, and their financial situation.

People with anxiety disorders are vulnerable to substance abuse, and vice versa, but they haven’t been able to determine whether one problem precedes the other.




What’s right and wrong with drinking? Alcohol may worsen anxiety.


Having a glass of wine to ease the tension of a stressful day doesn’t necessarily put a person at risk for becoming an alcoholic, of course. Substance abuse is heavily influenced by a person’s genes and environment, But habitually relying on alcohol or drugs to ease anxiety is at the expense of healthier coping strategies. It’s a very slippery slope.

Unfortunately, so many people suffering from anxiety drink alcohol to cope with their anxiety. But alcohol itself may worsen anxiety. Alcohol doesn’t cause anxiety with everybody, but as an anxiety sufferer you should be aware of the possible pitfalls of alcohol consumption, so pay close attention.

There are a few reasons why alcohol consumption and hangovers make many people anxious. A lot of people say that anxiety sufferers should not drink alcohol because it makes you more nervous than you already are. Is this true?




How alcohol cause anxiety


Alcohol causes or at least increases anxiety in these ways:



1. Mood


Alcohol can affect our mood because it can affect the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a feel-good brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that when in short supply can cause feelings of anxiety and depression.



2. Drop-in blood sugar


A low blood sugar level can cause anxiety-like sensations, including shakiness, dizziness, confusion, and difficulty speaking.



3. Nervous System


Because of, alcohol changes levels of serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain. This can worsen your level of anxiety. You might feel more anxious after the alcohol wears off. The nervous system is affected because for the body to fight off the sedative effects of alcohol it puts the body into a state of hyperactivity to counteract this effect. This hyperactivity can lead to shaking, light and sound sensitivity and sleep deprivation.



4. Dehydration


This has been known to cause nausea, dizziness, fatigue, light-headedness and muscle weakness. These symptoms wouldn’t cause anxiety per se, but they add to a sense of illness which fosters anxiety.



5. Heart Rate


Your heart rate can become elevated as a result of consuming alcohol, which can cause a palpitation false alarm and put you into a state of anxious anticipation. Is it a heart attack or isn’t it if you might ask. This “what if” questioning can increase your general state of anxiety.



6. Concentration


Watching a movie about people having a hangover is funnier than having one yourself. A hard night of drinking can also make you hazy, bring on headaches and create a sense of disorientation.



So what?


For more details, ask your medical doctor. As a therapist, I will focus on the psychological consequences.

If you’re going to have a glass of wine with dinner, I guess you shouldn’t be concerned. On the other hand, if you’re a heavy drinker or binge drinker, then this might cause a real problem for you.

Even scientists don’t know exactly why all this happens. Some suggest that you eat before drinking, drink water in between drinks, and stay in bed if you are hungover to avoid all the typical problems. Some would say that maybe you shouldn’t drink at all if you have an anxiety disorder – that’s debatable. I would, in case I suffer from an anxiety disorder. Do you think that alcohol should be avoided at all costs when someone has an anxiety disorder? How about reducing it? So you can see if it makes any difference for you.

And if you know that you’re a lightweight, or if you already know that alcohol makes you anxious; maybe I don’t need to write it, but some people just don’t know when to say it is enough.

Some people try to soothe their anxiety with alcohol. When dealing with stressful days or nervous situations, you may be tempted to have a glass of wine or a beer to calm your nerves. But alcohol is not a medication. Although alcohol does have a sedative effect, it should not be used as a coping tool. This type of behavior can lead to alcoholism and worse yet, more anxiety.

Alcohol isn’t a source of anxiety treatment. Instead, seek help from a mental health professional – not from a bottle of alcohol – if you have an anxiety disorder. If you think you have a problem with alcohol, seek help from your medical doctor right away. And if you want to get rid of your anxiety, I can help you.




Why not asking for help instead?


The shame some people feel about their anxiety and a reluctance to seek help for psychological problems are likely major factors contributing to self-medication.

Unfortunately, people often do not seek the help they need because of the stigma around mental illness. People are likely to stay at home and use the resources that they have at their disposal, which in this case would be alcohol or drugs. Some kind of psychotherapy like Hypnobalancing™ and hypnotherapy are effective and can even solve the problem for good, but some of them can be time-consuming and others aren’t always covered by insurance. Because anxiety disorders are still a taboo, we usually don’t talk about it. Therefore, many people experiencing anxiety may not even be aware of these treatments.

Myths about managing anxiety


Many people hold various myths that can stall and sabotage their anxiety treatment. In fact, some beliefs can even fuel and perpetuate anxiety.

Especially the internet abounds in information and misinformation about panic attacks, phobias, and other anxiety disorders, including promises of quick cures.

Here are some myths about managing anxiety disorders and anxiety in general.

Snap a rubber band on your wrist


Some say that one way to get rid of bad or disturbing thoughts is to snap a rubber band on your wrist every time you have the thought.

This was once popular as a behavioral intervention. My experiences as a therapist tell me that suppressing thoughts makes them stronger and more predominant. The thoughts we resist persist.

Free-floating anxiety


Feelings of apprehension or dread that cannot be traced to any particular source are called free-floating anxiety.

Risk factors for developing an anxiety disorder


There are some risk factors for developing an anxiety disorder.



1. Age


Anxiety disorders can happen at any stage of life. Anxiety is as common among older adults as among the young. Depending on the kind of anxiety disorder, there is a tendency when it typically starts.




2. Gender


Women are more likely to have an anxiety disorder than men.




3. Trauma


Stressful life experiences may increase your risk. Symptoms may begin immediately or years later. Traumatic events can trigger anxiety disorders, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder.

Children who endured abuse or trauma or witnessed traumatic events are at higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder at some point in life.

Adults who experience a traumatic event can also develop anxiety disorders.




4. Medical condition


Having a serious medical condition can also lead to anxiety disorder. Certain medical conditions have been associated with an increased risk of panic disorder. They include migraines, obstructive sleep apnea, mitral valve prolapse, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, and premenstrual syndrome.




5. Substance abuse


Drug and alcohol use or abuse or withdrawal can cause or worsen anxiety.




6. Genetic factor


Having a family member with anxiety or depression. Anxiety disorders can run in families.




7. Personality


People with certain personality types are more prone to anxiety disorders than others.




8. Stress buildup


A big event or a buildup of smaller stressful life situations may trigger excessive anxiety. Examples are a death in the family or ongoing worry about finances.




9. Other mental health disorders


People with other mental health disorders, such as depression, often experience anxiety disorder as well.

A little anxiety is healthy


Anxiety gets a lot of bad press. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of adrenaline. It is probably healthy to be a little anxious when we have to be awake. Just like a good alarm clock, anxiety can signal that it’s time to act. Adrenaline creates a sudden burst of energy that supports us to perform best in a challenging situation. A manageable level of anxiety can be an asset, serving as a motivator for change and improvement and making us more alert and attentive. But there is a threshold of anxiety that is healthy for us. If the anxiety is too intense, it may interfere with task completion and instead lead to avoidance.

Too much anxiety harms performance. The key is to find that middle ground. The right amount of anxiety can motivate a person to succeed and enable multitasking, whereas too much anxiety can make even the simplest task difficult. When everyday stress gives way to phobias, until worries, fears, and depression threaten the ability to cope or even get out of bed in the morning, intervention is required.



How much is too much anxiety?


Many people have too much anxiety, as evidenced by the rise in anxiety disorders. Some signs that you may have too much anxiety:

  • You live in a constant state of aroused worry or fretting.
  • You’re addicted to caffeine or cigarettes.
  • You need alcohol or medication to relax.
  • You experience a constant stream of negative self-talk.
  • You can’t sleep.
  • You overspend, run late, or miss deadlines.






For optimal health and performance, you want to strike the right anxiety balance. Look for anxiety that energizes rather than paralyzes you. Everyone experiences some anxiety—it’s what you do with it, that counts. The most successful people are those who have learned to harness and channel their anxiety into positive action.

Perception and fear


There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more in apprehension than in reality.



It is a rare person who lives without fear of one kind or another. I guess we all have fears. Every single person I have seen had some kind of fear. Even the toughest of the tough. We’re supposed to have fears, it’s what allows us as humans to survive. It is a normal and natural part of the human experience of life. Fear is a defense mechanism that was devised way back when we were mainly hunter-gatherers and living in caves. The fight-or-flight response evolved to enable us to react with appropriate actions: to run away, to fight, or sometimes freeze to be a less visible target. Fear is the normal emotion to feel in response to a danger or threat. But for most of us, life isn’t about fighting or escaping predators or enemies anymore.

The problem is that so many people allow fear to rob them of their reasoning, halt their happiness, or derail their dreams. Fear can be paralyzing for some people. When I allow perception and fear to occupy too much space in my mind, I am in trouble.

However, when we change our perception of what we fear, we can lessen or overcome that fear, thereby enjoying life even more.






Through psychotherapy like hypnotherapy, offending triggers can be removed to enable the client to take back control of their life. We seek and identify the root cause of the anxiety, and then change an individual’s perception of a past event. Once the emotion involved in these experiences has been released, the client is freed from anxiety or panic. The emotion was the driving force for the fear, and once the client understood this, the anxiety no longer had a driving force.

Anxiety and expectations


I am an old man and have known many troubles, most of which never happened.

Mark Twain


Expectation can be the root of anxiety. Anxiety is designed to keep you safe, but sometimes it leads to more harm than good.




High expectations


High expectations of yourself and others can keep you anxious by telling you that you are inadequate, that things are out of control, and that you cannot handle them. This will start the spin cycle of anxiety. You have more and more negative self-talk. This additionally reduces your confidence and gives you more evidence that you can’t cope with challenges.




Worst-case scenarios


Overestimating the probability that things will go wrong or that something bad will happen may be the most common thinking error associated with anxiety. Constant worrying takes a heavy toll. It keeps you up at night and makes you tense and edgy during the day. Negative beliefs, or worrying about worrying, add to your anxiety and keep you worrying even more.

Your therapist


For about two decades, I am specialized in the field of fears and anxiety disorders. I spend about 20 hours a week helping people to free themselves from their limitations and thereby gain a better quality of life. If you want to know how it all started and what you should know about me, please read my profile. And yes, therapy is a very personal matter: Because it is a very intensive collaboration, I reveal some details about myself. So you can get a first impression of me. Trust is important and that is why I focus on transparency.

The sessions are conducted either in German or English.

Just ask me personally.


Let's talk. Please read the privacy policy. If you are interested, you can contact me for questions and appointments via this contact form or by e-mail (mail@berlin-hypnosis.com), phone 030/86421369, and mobile phone 01577/7045356. The best time to contact me by telephone is Monday to Thursday between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm. During sessions, there is an answering machine. Leave a message and your phone number in Germany, and I'll call you back as soon as possible. Make sure I understand what you are asking for.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions, such as fees, on the home page. There are also lots of articles and details about me (profile) to help you get an idea of who I am. This will also make it easier for you to decide if I am the right therapist for you and your problem.




I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "https://www.berlin-hypnosis.com/...". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.

Be sure to read the following notice


Before contacting me, please read the detailed information about fees, booking, contraindications to hypnotherapy and answers to other frequently asked questions (FAQ).

These pages are intended to provide information for those interested in psychotherapy using hypnotherapy. It is not intended to replace psychotherapy or personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed medical practitioner. I am not a medical doctor. I specialize in helping people with anxiety and anxiety disorders. The profession of a hypnotherapist (official license to practice psychotherapy according to the HPG) is fundamentally different from that of a medical doctor. Medical diagnoses are not made, nor are promises of healing made or medication prescribed. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric intervention where this is required.

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to inform you.




Do you know my kind of fear?

Do you know my kind of fear?

Sometimes I get telephone calls or emails with the question if I have heard about this specific type of fear before. Most of the time I can say „Yes!“ and other times I am surprised. Truth is that the list of fears and phobias is endless.

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Sources of Anxiety

Sources of Anxiety

Anxiety results from many factors and they can all interact. There is a biopsychosocial theory of anxiety’s origins; anxiety has sources in our biology, our psychological strategies for coping with stress, and life events, including our most important human relationships.

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Worries about worry

Worries about worry

Not only people with a generalized anxiety disorder worry about worry. You are in trouble, when you get into a conflictual relationship with your own thoughts.

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Neurotransmitters and anxiety

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Exaggeration, fears and anxieties

Exaggeration, fears and anxieties

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Published: March 1, 2008
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: April 1, 2021
Translation: August 21, 2009
AN: #56321

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