Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia): Information, tips and help in Berlin & online

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin

Help with a social phobia

It is understandable when people feel observed in certain social situations and a certain nervousness sets in. However, those who suffer from a social phobia (sociophobia, social phobia) experience severe anxiety at such moments or even at the very thought of it.

What is a social phobia (sociophobia), what is it all about, and what helps?

Social Anxiety Disorder


It is understandable when people feel observed in certain social situations and a certain nervousness sets in. However, those who suffer from a social phobia (sociophobia, social phobia) experience severe anxiety at such moments or even at the very thought of it.

Social phobias manifest themselves in many ways and are thus not always easy to recognize. They range from fears related to specific situations such as public speaking to generalized social fears in a variety of social situations and social relationships.




What is a social phobia?


A social phobia (also called sociophobia) is a distressing, persistent, unrealistic, intense, or limiting fear that occurs in social situations, that is when the sufferer is the center of attention.

Social phobia can arise from an exaggerated reaction to actual experiences or objects. Often, in a social phobia, unpleasant emotions or an avoidance reaction occur for the first time without clear notice. In situations producing anxiety, fears such as the inability to do something otherwise possible, failure, or embarrassment occur.

Affected individuals usually know that their fears are unreasonable and unfounded, but are unable to control or manage their behavior, which leads to avoidance of certain situations.




Typical situations


Typical social situations include:

  • Speaking in front of others
  • Speaking in public
  • Making phone calls
  • Participating in activities with other people
  • Job interviews
  • Being introduced to other people
  • Performing under observation




Symptoms of a social phobia


Social phobias come in a variety of forms. They range from fears related to specific situations such as public speaking to generalized social fears in a variety of social situations and social relationships. This variety sometimes makes it difficult to recognize a social phobia. The essential characteristic of social phobias is the belief that one’s behavior or physical symptoms will be judged as embarrassing by other people.

Fears may focus primarily on one’s own behavior being judged as embarrassing, strange, ridiculous, or a failure, or on blushing, sweating, shaking, or stuttering. Affected individuals may be massively limited by fundamental insecurity about themselves in contact with other people and a negative self-image. Other people affected, however, may be extremely socially competent in most areas of life.

Anxiety can be triggered both in situations where one’s actions might be performed, observed, and evaluated in the presence of others, and in situations where one’s behavior and the reactions of others are interrelated.

As a result of intense anxiety, affected individuals experience a variety of physical symptoms that are characteristic of an elevated level of autonomic nervous system arousal. These can correspond to the symptoms of panic disorder; palpitations, nausea, muscle tension, the experience of loss of control, and also take the course of a panic attack.

Typical are symptoms that are also perceptible to other people; trembling, sweating, and blushing. Affected people experience these symptoms as very severe. They assume that others around them will notice these symptoms and judge them as signs of weakness. This belief manifests itself primarily in feelings of fear and shame, physical tension, and marked avoidance behavior of situations in which confrontation with this negative evaluation is feared. Although the actual extent is usually much lower, often it is not even noticed or negatively evaluated by the environment at all, this does not change the self-perception. Negative perception and interpretation increase the stress reaction and start an unpleasant cycle.


Typical symptoms are:

  • Tension
  • Blushing
  • Stuttering or speech inhibition
  • Trembling
  • Headache or stomach ache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling of anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Breathing difficulties


Often, social phobias lead to private and professional problems. In many cases, depression is an accompanying symptom, and alcohol is often abused to reduce the perception of the unpleasant symptoms.




Social phobia and anxious introspection


Typical for patients with social phobia is an excessive preoccupation with their own person and the effect they have on other people. This has an impact on social situations.

Social phobics believe that other people are also constantly observing their suspected deficits and their physical reactions, which are harmless in themselves but perceptible to others.

However, the constant anxious introspection increases the tension of the autonomic nervous system, which increases the fear of being considered nervous and being rejected. Social withdrawal and the attempt to behave as inconspicuously as possible prevent positive experiences. Thus, they do not experience that their fellow human beings do not observe or criticize them to the feared extent, and often even appreciate them despite their imagined weaknesses.




Safety behavior in social phobia


People with social phobia typically develop safety behaviors. Safety behaviors are behaviors that individuals use to avoid attracting negative attention, ridicule, or embarrassment. However, it often reinforces anxiety.

Safety behaviors prevent individuals from experiencing how they might experience situations without them. Refraining from safety behaviors allows people to experience how, for example, visible blushing does not occur and conversations can proceed without irritation.

Safety behaviors reinforce self-awareness in social situations. The anxious effort to make a good impression increases self-observation and thereby increases negative self-attention. Reduced outward attention makes it more difficult to notice what is actually happening in the situation. Increased self-attention creates the impression of being the center of attention for others, and that other person must notice the anxiety symptoms.



The comorbidity rate is high. Most of the time, social phobia co-exists with other disorders. In particular, lifetime depression is high, as well as other anxiety disorders. Many clients also have a panic disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder oObsessive-Compulsive Behavior.

In practice, there is a problematic relationship between social phobia and alcoholism. The social phobia most often predates the onset of alcohol problems. Many social phobia sufferers use alcohol in an attempt to self-medicate their distressing anxiety symptoms.

Is social anxiety (Social phobia) simply shyness?





Shyness refers to a tendency to withdraw from people, particularly unfamiliar people. It is a normal personality trait. This means that everyone has some degree of shyness. Some people have a lot of shyness, some have a little, and most have an amount somewhere in between.

Shyness can interfere with interpersonal or professional goals.




Social anxiety


Social anxiety (social phobia) is in its mildest form simply shyness, but when it gets more disabling it becomes what we call a social phobia. It can be generalized, which means that we get extremely anxious in many situations where there might be people around, or it can be specific when it only applies to a certain situation like public speaking or eating out.

Everyone feels shy or anxious in certain social environments, but for some people, it can be a little more extreme. When this is the case, it has a very debilitating effect on life quality. Then it stops us doing the things we would like to. For example, it may affect our confidence to go to work or to make friends and enjoy our lives.

Unhelpful thoughts and predictions make it more difficult to overcome anxiety. Those thoughts also typically play a damaging role just prior to people entering social environments, as they predict they will perform poorly. Similarly, unhelpful thoughts influence people during social situations, as they assume they are not coming across well. To make matters worse, after social situations, people often analyze their performance and assume they have performed poorly. When considering these factors, it is easy to see how unhelpful thoughts stop people overcoming their social anxiety.

Socially anxious people tend to avoid social contact whenever possible. If they cannot avoid it, they tend to try and escape it as quickly as possible. Although this is a very understandable way of coping with social anxiety, it is actually one of the main reasons that people find it hard to overcome. This is because by avoiding social situations, people stop themselves having positive experiences that could disprove some of their unhelpful thoughts. Furthermore, the longer someone avoids a social situation, the more daunting it becomes, and it is increasingly difficult to face.

Social anxiety is a serious problem. No matter what you’re living with, social anxiety can make it much harder to enjoy the activities that lead to happiness and contentment, and that’s why it’s important that you learn how to cure social anxiety.

I’ve worked with many people suffering from social anxiety. Hypnotherapy with Hypnobalancing™ is an effective tool for combatting social anxiety disorder.

Help with a social phobia


Social phobias do not go away on their own, and withdrawal is not a real solution. Get help and don’t wait unnecessarily.

Many proven therapeutic techniques are intensified by hypnosis. Beneficial mental states can be experienced through trance, and previously unused resources are activated. The more anxious control is discarded, the more inner security is experienced. But this is only possible to a limited extent with conscious will.

Through 6-phase Hypnobalancing™ hypnotherapy, underlying conflicts can be resolved. In trance, the causes can be identified, and by releasing unconscious conflicts of the past, perception, thinking, and acting in the present are altered. The use of Hypnobalancing™ promotes helpful states that increase self-awareness and confidence.

Limiting conditioning can be dissolved in trance to promote new beneficial thought patterns. You focus more and more on the solution rather than the problem. A change in focus alone often improves the situation. And easy-to-learn techniques further expand personal influence.

Especially the deep trance of Deep Hypnobalancing™ has a positive effect on the self-organizing abilities of body and mind. Patients more often report feeling tidier and at ease overall.

The number of sessions required varies as much as clients’ personalities and experiences. On average, 5 to 10 sessions are required for treatment.

How to Decide to Ask for Help

Overcoming Doubts About Seeking Support


Are you wondering whether you need professional help to recover? You might feel that you should handle things on your own or worry that seeking help means you’re not strong enough. Perhaps you fear that discussing your issues could worsen your symptoms. These concerns are natural, but addressing them can clear the way for meaningful progress.

The Value of Reaching Out

Taking the step to seek help doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It’s a sign of emotional strength and self-awareness. Therapy offers the chance to balance personal autonomy with the support of a trusted professional. An experienced therapist will guide you at a comfortable pace, never pressuring you to discuss topics you’re not ready for. Emotional resilience grows through learning when and how to seek support while maintaining independence.

Assessing the Impact of Symptoms

To determine if professional assistance might benefit you, consider how your symptoms affect your daily life:

  • Are your relationships fulfilling and healthy?
  • Can you focus and perform effectively at work?
  • Do you feel joy and satisfaction in your daily life?
  • Is there a sense that life could be more fulfilling?

If your symptoms limit your ability to thrive in these areas, reaching out for help could be a valuable step.

Who Can Assist You?

Are you thinking about working with me? If you know someone I’ve helped, their experience might provide valuable insights. If not, explore the resources on this website to get a clear impression of my approach and expertise. Trust is the cornerstone of effective therapy, and I strive to build it through transparency and openness.​

Meet Your Therapist


Specialized Care for Anxiety and Fear

With over 20 years of experience, I have focused my practice on helping individuals overcome fears and anxiety disorders. Each week, I dedicate approximately 20 hours to empowering clients to break free from their limitations and achieve a higher quality of life.



A Trust-Based, Personalized Approach

Therapy is a deeply personal journey. To build trust and provide transparency, I offer insights into my professional background and therapeutic philosophy in my profile. This openness sets the stage for a collaborative relationship, ensuring you feel supported and understood throughout the process.



Flexible Language Options

To meet your unique needs, sessions are available in German and English. This flexibility ensures effective communication and comfort for all clients.

Appointment booking


Please read the important information before making an appointment with me, including the contraindications for psychotherapy with hypnotherapy. I have answered frequently asked questions for you. For the success of your therapy, this information is of crucial importance. If this attracts you, then you can find out about booking your appointment here. The better you are informed, the faster we can focus on you and your wishes.

To make an appointment, you can preferably contact me by e-mail ( or by using the contact form (privacy policy) as well as by phone 01577 704 53 56 or 030 - 864 213 69. You will then receive a confirmation of your reservation by e-mail. In this reply, you will find the details for the first session. This usually happens within 24 hours. If you do not receive a reply, it could be because an email has ended up in the spam filter. In such a case, please call me.

There are only a few practice hours available, and they want to be used well. The fee for individual session hours is therefore always to be paid in full by bank transfer, with payment received at least 7 days before the session.

Why at least 7 days in advance? I would like to do it differently, but this is the best practice. Appointments that have not been confirmed with payment received seven days in advance are noticeably more likely to be canceled. And the repeated callbacks take up a lot of time. Because of this, I'm currently faced with the decision of whether and how to either significantly adjust fees to absorb this or to consistently organize in a way that is fair to all parties. Because of this, I am also offering options in terms of shifting appointments with the fees.

There is a maximum of 20 hours a week available for psychotherapy, and any canceled appointment means patients are unable to benefit from psychotherapy help. I understand that it would be more convenient for you otherwise, but this solution is the fairest for all involved.

You can use real-time bank transfer (costs 25 Ct. at Sparkasse Berlin, for example) for time-sensitive appointments, and the transfer takes a few minutes, or we can make an appointment with appropriate advance preparation. If this is not an option for you, please let me know immediately so that I can assign your appointment. Otherwise, I appreciate your understanding and look forward to intensive cooperation.

What does hypnotherapy cost?


Here are some organizational details. Please read them before the appointment reservation. People often ask, "How much does hypnotherapy cost?" What is meant by this are the presumed total costs, which result from the fee and the duration of the psychotherapy with hypnotherapy.




Fee for psychotherapy


Hourly Rates

The fees for a 60-minute psychotherapy session during regular business hours (Monday to Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) are as follows:

A. Online or telephone sessions: €179
B. In-person sessions at my office: €219
C. Flexible scheduling (short-term appointment changes up to 24 hours in advance for A or B): Additional €35 per session.
Psychotherapy services are VAT-exempt according to § 4 No. 14 a) UStG.


Terms and Conditions



General appointments are available Monday to Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Sessions outside these hours, on weekends, or public holidays, incur a 35% surcharge.
The minimum session duration is 60 minutes, with additional time billed in 30-minute increments.


Rescheduling Policy

Sessions lasting up to 120 minutes may be rescheduled once, with at least 72 hours’ notice.
Longer sessions or sessions exceeding 120 minutes in a week require at least 14 days’ notice for rescheduling.
Missed or late cancellations are charged in full. Rescheduled sessions must be used within 12 months.


Alternatives for Missed Appointments

If you cannot attend in person, you can switch to an online video or telephone session at the scheduled time.


Payment Terms

Payment must be received in full via bank transfer 7 days before the scheduled appointment.
Cash payments on the day of the session may be allowed on a case-by-case basis; please inquire in advance.


Package Offers

Package deals are not available for psychotherapy services.


Travel Expenses

Travel, accommodation, and per diem expenses are charged separately.
For travel within Berlin, a minimum hourly rate applies.
Travel outside Berlin is billed based on time and effort, subject to individual agreement.


Personalized and Non-Transferable Services

All bookings are exclusively for one-on-one sessions and are non-transferable.


Right of Withdrawal

For services booked by telephone, letter, email, or online form, the provisions of the Distance Selling Act( Fernabsatzgesetz) apply.

You may cancel a booking within 14 days of purchase without providing a reason.
If the service begins within the withdrawal period, the registration is considered a request to initiate service early.




Cost Coverage by Health Insurance Companies and Other Insurers


Psychotherapy fees are typically not covered by national health insurance companies. However, policies vary, so it is essential to contact your insurance provider to clarify their specific guidelines and coverage options.




What You Need to Know


  • Invoice Classification:
    You will receive an invoice from me, classified according to ICD-10 standards, to assist with any reimbursement claims.
  • Prior Approval:
    Please discuss your therapy plans with your insurer in advance to avoid unexpected issues.
  • Application Support:
    If additional documentation or applications are required by your insurer, we can address this together during our sessions.

For more information or assistance, feel free to reach out to me directly.




Therapy Duration and Expectations


Initial Session

The first therapy session lasts 90 minutes. This extended duration allows us to establish a foundation, understand your unique concerns, and set goals for your therapy journey.


Follow-Up Sessions

Subsequent sessions are typically 60 minutes long. The number of sessions required varies significantly based on individual personalities and specific circumstances.


Typical Session Range

  • For anxiety disorders, clients often attend 3 to 8 sessions.
  • By the second session, many clients gain clarity about their commitment and therapy trajectory.


Personalized Guidance

After the initial sessions, I will provide an estimate of the number of sessions you may need based on your progress and my professional experience. This collaborative approach ensures that therapy is tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Just ask me personally.


Let's talk. Please read the privacy policy. If you are interested, you can contact me for questions and appointments via this contact form or by e-mail (, phone 030/86421369, and mobile phone 01577/7045356. The best time to contact me by telephone is Monday to Thursday between 9.00 am and 6.00 pm. During sessions, there is an answering machine. Leave a message and your phone number in Germany, and I'll call you back as soon as possible. Make sure I understand what you are asking for.

You can find answers to frequently asked questions, such as fees, on the home page. There are also lots of articles and details about me (profile) to help you get an idea of who I am. This will also make it easier for you to decide if I am the right therapist for you and your problem.




I have read and accept the privacy policy.


In the address bar of your browser, the URL should begin with "". This indicates a secure connection (SSL). Whether you enter your real name is up to you.

You are not in Berlin or prefer an alternative instead of coming to me?


You are not in Berlin or do not want or cannot come to the practice for other reasons? Then it is worth reading the following information about the options:


a. Travel to Berlin


For clients traveling to Berlin, there is the possibility, if booked in advance, to hold 2 sessions on the same day. It should be discussed in advance by telephone whether this is a recommendable option, as it requires appropriate prerequisites. Any sources of additional pressure should be avoided in the interest of the therapeutic success.

Here you will find further information when considering to travel to me in Berlin.



b. Online sessions


At times a personal meeting is not possible. In such cases, a telephone session or a session with video support via the Internet is an alternative or supplement. I have been using this setting for many years, and many clients have achieved excellent results with it. These experiences make it easy to achieve very intensive sessions in this way as well. You are more flexible and can also use my support very promptly. There are currently reduced fees for such sessions.

You are also on the safe side regarding the coronavirus. By the way, this is also an option if you should be unexpectedly unable to attend a session personally.​

Preparation for the first session


With the confirmation of your appointment, you will receive recommendations on how to prepare for your first session with me. With your appointment confirmation, you will receive recommendations on how to prepare for your first session with me. You will also get an overview of what to consider regarding the Coronavirus during in-office appointments and how to prepare best for online sessions.​




The first session: Step by step 


The optimal prerequisites are set right at the beginning. In the first meeting, we create the basis for intensive cooperation. Step by step:




1. Preparation


The first session is generally 90 minutes so that there is enough time for an in-depth preliminary discussion, in which we can clarify questions. Then we begin with a detailed dialogue, with the anamnesis, in order to adapt the therapeutic plan individually to your personal needs. For this purpose, we define your goals and motives and discuss the steps.




2. First intervention


As soon as you are ready for it, we get to work. You set the pace. In the second part of the session, we figure out the easiest way to get you into a comfortable, relaxed hypnotic state. You will experience an introductory trance. This enables access to your unconscious and permits initial suggestions. How far we proceed with this in the first session will be determined by your reactions. Finally, I gently lead you out of the trance.




3. Evaluation, options, and outlook


Following the first trance, I will respond to your questions, and we will discuss how to proceed with your hypnotherapy. In most cases, you will receive recommendations you can apply to complement and enhance the work we do together, even beyond the sessions. It is crucial that you not only feel better in the session, but also have an improvement in your everyday life. The more effectively we work together, the sooner I make myself superfluous as your therapist. That's it!




When appropriate, I will teach you self-hypnosis to complement the hypnosis sessions. Self-hypnosis is a tool to control unconscious processes and thus mental states by yourself.

After you enjoyed positive trance experiences with my support, you can learn self-hypnosis very quickly. This helps you to progress self-determined. It accelerates the process, deepens, and consolidates what has been achieved in the therapy sessions. Your autonomy is thus fostered. A good therapist makes himself superfluous as soon as possible. Self-hypnosis is an excellent method of self-help that can be used beyond the actual issue.

Important Information Before Contacting Me

Read This First

Before reaching out, please take the time to review the detailed information on the following topics:

  • Fees and Booking Procedures
  • Contraindications for Hypnotherapy
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About This Page


This page is designed to provide essential information for individuals interested in psychotherapy through hypnotherapy. However, it is not intended to replace professional psychotherapy, medical consultations, examinations, or diagnoses by a licensed medical practitioner.

My Role and Expertise

I am a hypnotherapist licensed to practice psychotherapy under the HPG (Heilpraktikergesetz). My work focuses on helping people manage anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is important to note the following distinctions:

  • I am not a medical doctor.
  • I do not provide medical diagnoses, prescribe medications, or make promises of healing.
  • Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care where such intervention is necessary.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, feel free to reach out. I am happy to provide more information and guide you on how hypnotherapy can support your journey to improved well-being.​



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Do you know my kind of fear?

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Is stage fright the same as social anxiety disorder?

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A bit of anxiety in front of an audience is a common experience but severe stage fright, also known as performance anxiety, can be diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder if a number of criteria are met. For example, in case you nearly always experience physical symptoms in the feared situation, and the fear severely impacts your daily functioning.

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Published: March 1, 2008
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 15, 2023
Translation: May 26, 2009
AN: #34336

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