I - Glossary Psychotherapy, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin
Psychotherapy in Berlin - Specialization: Fears and Anxiety Disorders

NOACK Praxis für Angsttherapie Berlin
Specialized treatment for anxiety disorders with hypnotherapy
Budapester Straße 39
10787 Berlin

Before contacting me, please read the detailed information on fees, booking, contraindications of hypnotherapy, and the answers to other common questions (FAQ).

Phone 030 – 864 213 69

Information about Hypnotherapy in Berlin.

I am specialized to help people with fears and anxiety disorders.


These pages are intended to provide information to those interested in psychotherapy with hypnotherapy. They are neither intended to replace psychotherapy nor a personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed physician.

I am not a medical doctor. There are no medical diagnoses, no promises of cures or medication. Any necessary medical or psychiatric treatment should never be replaced by psychotherapy and hypnotherapeutic work.

If you have questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to inform you.



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Published: March 12, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 15, 2023
Translation: May 26, 2008
German version: 
AN: #34300

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