Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin

Manic Episode
A manic episode is characterized by periods of extreme elation, unbounded euphoria without sufficient reason, and grandiose thoughts or feelings about personal abilities.
It is often a marker of bipolar disorder.
The diagnostic criteria for a manic episode are a notable period of elevated or significantly irritable mood last at least 7 days. During this period three or more of the following symptoms must be present:
- Higher than usual self-esteem
- Significantly reduced need for sleep
- Increase in talkativeness
- Experience of racing thoughts
- Difficulty maintaining attention
- Increase in goal directed activity or physical agitation
- Excessive experience of hedonistic activities that have negative consequences
If a person is experiencing these criteria it is important to seek professional treatment like a psychiatrist. Medication can bring mania and depression under control and prevent relapse. Than psychotherapy can help to deal with the psychological issues.