Can anyone be hypnotized?

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin
Psychotherapy in Berlin - Specialization: Fears and Anxiety Disorders

Can anyone be hypnotized?


Pretty much anyone can be hypnotized as long as they are willing. Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind which people are in every day, anyone of normal intelligence who chooses to be hypnotized can be hypnotized. There may be a few exceptions such as people on certain medications or people with neurological problems. Those who claim they can’t be hypnotized are simply choosing not to be hypnotized.

Important Information Before Contacting Me

Read This First

Before reaching out, please take the time to review the detailed information on the following topics:

  • Fees and Booking Procedures
  • Contraindications for Hypnotherapy
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

About This Page


This page is designed to provide essential information for individuals interested in psychotherapy through hypnotherapy. However, it is not intended to replace professional psychotherapy, medical consultations, examinations, or diagnoses by a licensed medical practitioner.

My Role and Expertise

I am a hypnotherapist licensed to practice psychotherapy under the HPG (Heilpraktikergesetz). My work focuses on helping people manage anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is important to note the following distinctions:

  • I am not a medical doctor.
  • I do not provide medical diagnoses, prescribe medications, or make promises of healing.
  • Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care where such intervention is necessary.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, feel free to reach out. I am happy to provide more information and guide you on how hypnotherapy can support your journey to improved well-being.​



Milton H. Erickson and Hypnotherapy

Milton H. Erickson and Hypnotherapy

Milton H. Erickson (1901-1980) was born into a Wisconsin farming family, He was stricken with polio at the age of 17 and again at the age of 51, so that by the end of his life he was confined to a wheelchair. He was colorblind, dyslexic and tone-deaf.

His relationship with hypnosis was a very personal one. He first encountered it as a way of overcoming his physical limitations.

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Published: March 12, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 15, 2023
Translation: August 23, 2019
German version:
AN: #132

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