Many People With Stage Fright Try to Keep It Hidden and Suffer In Silence

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin


Psychotherapy in Berlin - Specialization: Fears and Anxiety Disorders - In case you suffer from stage fright: You are not alone. It was Mark Twain who coined the term stage fright, and though he claimed to have experienced it only once. Statistics say that the fear of public speaking is the number one fear in surveys. Many people with this fear try to keep it hidden and suffer in silence.

Many People With Stage Fright Try to Keep It Hidden and Suffer In Silence


There are many causes of stage fright but the most common is that the individual lacks self-confidence. Being unprepared and forgetting the lines are good reasons for the anxiety. Some individuals fear that they look witless and that they would gain the antagonism of the audience. The best explanation is that stage fright is a physiological reaction. When the body is presented with a stimulus; its reaction is excitement or fear. The symptoms of stage fright – sweating, trembling, palpitations – are typical of a surge in adrenaline. The stricken speaker seizes up, both physically and mentally; the mouth goes dry, breathing becomes short and shallow, vision blurs and concentration evaporates. In extreme cases, it can trigger vomiting and diarrhea. And no one’s going to go on after that.

In case you suffer from stage fright: You are not alone. It was Mark Twain who coined the term stage fright, and though he claimed to have experienced it only once. Statistics say that the fear of public speaking is the number one fear in surveys. Many people with this fear try to keep it hidden and suffer in silence.

Why? Some believe it is bad for their reputation. The truth is that this problem does not reflect a character flaw or weakness. Many capable and accomplished people suffer from this problem. There appears to be a combination of nature and nurture at play, which creates the source of this problem.

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This page is designed to provide essential information for individuals interested in psychotherapy through hypnotherapy. However, it is not intended to replace professional psychotherapy, medical consultations, examinations, or diagnoses by a licensed medical practitioner.

My Role and Expertise

I am a hypnotherapist licensed to practice psychotherapy under the HPG (Heilpraktikergesetz). My work focuses on helping people manage anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is important to note the following distinctions:

  • I am not a medical doctor.
  • I do not provide medical diagnoses, prescribe medications, or make promises of healing.
  • Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care where such intervention is necessary.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, feel free to reach out. I am happy to provide more information and guide you on how hypnotherapy can support your journey to improved well-being.​

Published: March 12, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 15, 2023
Translation: August 23, 2019
German version:
AN: #132

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