Speeches and Performance Under Pressure: Blocked by Performance Anxiety?

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin
Speeches and Performance Under Pressure: Blocked by Performance Anxiety?

Performance anxiety


Are you blocked by performance anxiety? Speeches and performance under pressure can produce stage frightened performance anxiety. Learn how hypnotherapy with Hypnobalancing™ can help you dealing with performance anxiety.






Blocked by performance anxiety? Speeches and performance under pressure


Performance anxiety is a fairly broad term. For some of my clients, it refers to the ability to perform well under pressure in sports, making a presentation, or excelling in public. For others, it refers to sexual performance, where those that have anxiety tend to worry about how they’ll perform to such a degree that they either experience some type of sexual dysfunction or fail to enjoy their sexual experiences. These anxiety types have few things in common. This article will focus on speeches and performance under pressure.

Performance anxiety can be a serious problem. It can create other types of anxiety, including social anxiety, and in some cases it can be a symptom of other anxiety disorders that bleed in to your confidence in social situations.




How to overcome performance anxiety?


An important part of reducing performance anxiety in public situations is practicing. The more and longer you practice the more these performances become instinctual. Artists and speaker with stage fright that struggle under pressure are more likely to perform the more they experience the pressure-filled situations. Those that are afraid of public speaking tend to improve when they have performed numerous speaking events. This is true for many people but not for everyone.

A big part of how we address these issues comes from self-talk. Often the problem with this type of performance anxiety is that the mind tends to focus on the negative, and tell itself worst-case scenarios. We need to address the way we feel about our performance so that we are not sidelined by mistakes or stressed over the potential to make them. With the best intentions some articles will tell you that you only need positive thinking to solve your performance anxiety. This works only for a few people because when the fear is deep-rooted in the unconscious you have to address it directly. Therefore it needs profound therapeutic work to let go of those limiting beliefs, habits, and sometimes traumatic experiences from the past.

Just ask me personally.


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You can find answers to frequently asked questions, such as fees, on the home page. There are also lots of articles and details about me (profile) to help you get an idea of who I am. This will also make it easier for you to decide if I am the right therapist for you and your problem.




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  • Fees and Booking Procedures
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About This Page


This page is designed to provide essential information for individuals interested in psychotherapy through hypnotherapy. However, it is not intended to replace professional psychotherapy, medical consultations, examinations, or diagnoses by a licensed medical practitioner.

My Role and Expertise

I am a hypnotherapist licensed to practice psychotherapy under the HPG (Heilpraktikergesetz). My work focuses on helping people manage anxiety and anxiety disorders. It is important to note the following distinctions:

  • I am not a medical doctor.
  • I do not provide medical diagnoses, prescribe medications, or make promises of healing.
  • Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric care where such intervention is necessary.

Contact Me

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnotherapy, feel free to reach out. I am happy to provide more information and guide you on how hypnotherapy can support your journey to improved well-being.​

Published: March 1, 2008
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: January 17, 2025
Translation: May 26, 2009
AN: #34336

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