What is the difference between blushing, flushing, and rosacea?

Hypnotherapy and Hypnobalancing™ in Berlin
Psychotherapy in Berlin - Specialization: Fears and Anxiety Disorders

Blushing, flushing, rosacea


What is the difference between blushing, flushing, and rosacea?

What is the difference between Blushing, Flushing and Rosacea?


A common question is: What is the difference between blushing, flushing and rosacea?



1. Facial Blushing


Facial Blushing is a sudden reddening of the face, neck and occasionally, upper chest. People refer Facial Blushing as a sudden redness appearing after a high level of anxiety.



2. Flushing


Flushing is refered as a longer lasting redness of the face, neck and occasionally, upper chest caused by alcohol, migraine headaches, fever, sudden temperature changes,cramps, anxiety and more.



3. Rosacea


Rosacea is a disease affecting the skin of the face. Researchers now believe that there is some link between rosacea and how often (and how strongly) people flush or blush.

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Before contacting me, please read the detailed information about fees, booking, contraindications to hypnotherapy and answers to other frequently asked questions (FAQ).

These pages are intended to provide information for those interested in psychotherapy using hypnotherapy. It is not intended to replace psychotherapy or personal consultation, examination or diagnosis by a licensed medical practitioner. I am not a medical doctor. I specialize in helping people with anxiety and anxiety disorders. The profession of a hypnotherapist (official license to practice psychotherapy according to the HPG) is fundamentally different from that of a medical doctor. Medical diagnoses are not made, nor are promises of healing made or medication prescribed. Hypnotherapy is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric intervention where this is required.

If you have any questions about psychotherapy with hypnosis, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to inform you.


Published: March 12, 2007
Author: Karsten Noack
Revision: August 15, 2023
Translation: August 23, 2019
German version:
AN: #132

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